How To Get A Drone Out Of A Tree

How to Get A Drone Out Of A Tree? Rescuing Your Drone

Nowadays, with the engagement of lots of technical devices, capturing beautiful sceneries and seeing higher views with a drone can be so much fun. But are you aware of what you can do if your drone gets stuck in a tree? It is not very unlikely, but you should also be ready for the unfortunate situation. You might be referring to this because it has already happened to you. So, how to get a drone out of a tree? There are several ways to get your drone out of the tree. Let’s see what they are.

What to Do If My Drone Is Stuck In a Tree?

First, you must find the tree your drone has gotten stuck on. This may be a bit challenging if you are in a forest or where there are many trees. The drone will be almost invisible among the branches of the tree. The drone will give an alarm sound if it is not turned off. I’m not sure if every drone has this feature, but when purchasing a drone, look for it in an emergency.

Also, some drones are connected to apps and have additional settings with GPS to find the location. You should take advantage of these features if your drone has them.

Secondly, think of a way to remove your drone from the tree. Here are some ways to try.

  • If the drone is not in a critical entanglement with the tree branches, leaves and vines, try to fly your way out. Be careful when flying it out from the tree; otherwise, the drone might get damaged.
  • If you can reach the drone easily and it is not entangled or stuck in a very high position, reach out to it and get it. Or if it is in a higher position, where you can’t reach easily, use something long enough to climb up to reach the location. And if the tree is like a coconut tree or something higher, there are some tools you can get help, or you should ask for help from someone who can help you.

Don’t try to shake the tree and get the drone down. It can get damaged.

Are There Any Drone Retrieval Tools?

How To Get A Drone Out Of A Tree

No. There are no exact tools to retrieve your drone if it gets stuck up. But some companies have introduced various tools for it. One of them is the Drone Retrieval Cannon. It reaches 150 ft and can weigh up to about 135kg. You can see the features, how it works and how you can buy one from their website here.

Other than that, people use tools like citrus fruit pickers and flimsy poles to reach out to the drone and retrieve it. Sometimes, it might be efficient, but I’m not sure whether they will always work or not!

How to Get A Drone Out Of A Tree?

Here are some methods you can try to get the drone out of a tree.

As I mentioned before, first, you should locate the place where your drone is stuck at. You can get help from the beeping alarm noise of the drone, GPS from the drone app or search for it by yourself.

Once you have found the location, try the options below if you can’t fly it out from the tree or if the entanglements are more critical. And it is better if you can try these methods with help from your closer one. Also, use something like a net or large bedsheet to catch the drone if it is falling from the tree!

1. Climb the tree

If you can reach the drone while climbing the tree carefully, climb the tree and reach for it. Before climbing, you have to observe the height you should climb and whether there are branches you can step on safely. If you are talented at climbing trees, this might be a piece of cake for you!

2. Use a ladder or pole

If the drone is at a maximum of 20 feet above ground level, you can use a ladder to reach there. Normally it is advised to use 16 feet for safe measurements. Make sure that you are placing the ladder on a flat surface without any faults, or you might be fall-off. Or use a lengthy pole to get the drone carefully. Look out if there is a chance that your drone might fall off from the tree once the pole is hit on it.

3. Throw something that weighs enough

You can try throwing something at it also, but make sure you are going to catch it on time without causing any damage to the drone.

4. Use a net

Tie a larger net among the trees where it has all the higher possibilities to fall off from the tree and poke it with something that can reach the drone. That might minimize the risk of drones getting damaged. You can also use a long net as a pool cleaner to get the drone out.

5. Use a nerf gun

Throwing darts with high pressure and speed could also make your drone move without getting stuck more. But this could harm the drone if it gets out of your hand when falling.

6. Call someone

Whether you try any of these methods, it is better you can call for someone to get an idea, to watch out for you or to get help to get the drone out of the tree.

7. Call the fire department

If none of the above methods didn’t work out for you get help from the fire department by telling them the actual reason to call them.

What Happens If a Drone Falls Down?

If the drone falls out, there is a higher probability of getting damaged. This depends on how high it is stuck. It will get damaged a lot if it falls out from a very high position, like 15 ft. above the ground level. And if the drone is above that, there is a higher chance that your drone might get crashed.

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